Sales Forecast Accuracy
Identify deals at risk and coach deals to success
Forecast Sales With Confidence
With 66% of organizations still reporting that they do not use automated data, sales forecasting can typically be a lengthy, unscientific process. Many still ask their salespeople to self-report the likelihood that deals may close – then the sales managers give the forecast a haircut to adjust for overconfidence or their own knowledge of particular deals.
The results speak for themselves – 58% of forecasted deals do not close, and 80% of CFOs question sales forecasts. Save hours manually collecting deal details and scrubbing pipeline by complementing rep-reported activity data in CRM with actual customer engagement. Transform your hope-casting to a data-driven strategy based on customer interactions and results.

Engagement Quadrant Dashboards
New way to look at sales opportunities in ClearSlide and Salesforce. With customer engagement as the leading predictor of opportunity success, leaders can visually look at the chance that opportunities will close by deal size based on real-time sales and customer engagement data.
Account-Based Management
Quickly access reports with accounts historical engagement rates across email, online presentations, and in-person meetings. Save custom reports by account, team, and sales rep to streamline pipeline management and deal reviews. Use accounts’ total engagement history to build more precise account plans to achieve forecasts.

Improve CRM Data
With auto-logging of activity and engagement data across all communication channels back to CRM, data quality and CRM adoption improves substantially. Save hours in manually verifying sales rep activities, customer responses, and deal status with powerful connectors for Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.
Real-Time Alerts
Follow activities and customer engagement of specific opportunities in real-time to ensure you are monitoring, influencing and guiding your key swing deals when they need it most. Additional capability to join online presentations that are in-progress from anywhere.